Bangun dari tido pagi tadi, dah terfikir apala nak buat utk affan hari ni , semalam dah mintak kek...nak bawak pegi kek beli buku beli mainan ker?....sampai kat ofis ramai pulak yang takde..pegi kursus, cuti...masa ni la teringat2 dengan anak. anyway, since hari ni very special for affan, termenitis jugak air mata bila teringatkan dia....
To my dear affan,
The past 4 years has been the most wonderful and rewarding time of mama&papa life. You were the one who really teaches me the meaning of responsibility, patience and mothers life. Having you, I learnt to become a mother, a motivator, a teachers just just like teacher norlia, a singer, a story-teller, and the most thing as negotiator, and lots of other different roles that I have to switch from day to day. i'm tired but I never regretted any of it... hope this will never end. Happy 4th Birthday, affan! Hope you have a good year ahead....and good bless you and this family.
balik karang nak buat muffin then nak bwk dia pegi beli buku kat MPH....berdua pun takpelah....
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